2020 Theory of Improvement and Implementation Plan

Upon review of the 2019 Theory of Improvement, I felt we didn't achieve as much as we possibly could have. But when looking through the 2019 Implementation Plan, the evidence suggests that with the timeframe we put on ourselves, we were never going to meet the end of year goals or outcomes.

Our biggest hurdle for 2019 was time. That is the time that other experts, agencies, organisations and colleagues have available to contribute to our research and product. With this said, I have tried to allow more time during 2020 to allow Stakeholders 1 and 2, as well as ourselves, more time to investigate, explore, and provide feedback about The Hub, therefore allowing us more time to make sure the product is viable and user-friendly. Again, these documents are 'works in progress' meaning they are ever-changing and adapting to the stage we are at.

We have had to be a bit more realistic with our time as we are both working full time in classrooms, and completing not only this project but the essays and presentations that go alongside the product for our Masters.

Below is the photo evidence of the 2020 Theory of Improvement:

Below is the photo evidence of the 2020 Implementation Plan:


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