Deliverable #3 - Kete of Resources - Pre-Planning

Focus Curriculum Area for Mock-up and CoL Proposal

Curriculum Area: Geometry - Shape
High School level for Ceylan = L5
Primary School level for me = L3

Achievement Objectives:
1. Classify plane shapes and prisms by their spatial features. 
2. Represent objects with drawings and models. 

Learning Intentions to used are taken from eTap Spotlight which is used within the class and reporting to parents. As we are only doing Geometry: Shape, only the learning intentions that relate to this area will be used in the lessons. Images from eTap Spotlight are below of the Geometry Learning Intentions. The Learning Intentions span over three (3) year levels due to how the New Zealand Curriculum covers a couple of year levels per curriculum level.

Year 5 LIs

Year 6 LIs

Year 7 LIs


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